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Meet Lonnie M.

Lonnie, a member of The Best You for 150+ days, struggled with a long list of health issues - severe depression, anxiety, and chronic name a few. After only a few months in The Best You, she is off the couch and living life! She is enjoying time with her grand-girls and being in nature. In Lonnie's words "After being successful in the group, I felt like I could do ANYTHING!" Keep reading to see what other MAJOR life change she was inspired to make!!

Lonnie M before

Lonnie M now

Where do you live (city/state)? Ft. Worth, TX

What is your WHY for joining The Best You and eating AIP? Do you have a specific diagnosis? Severe depression, PTSD, High Anxiety, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, and Foot Pain.

How did you learn about The Best You? Our fearless leader Tracey!

When did you join The Best You? What is your #number (days AIP / age)? I joined in September 2019! My number is #133/57!

"I'm off the couch and living life!"

Share your successes!! I’m off the couch and living life! I can actually work all week and then keep up with my grand girls all weekend now!

"After being successful in the group I felt like I could do ANYTHING!"

We’ve had a camper at Jellystone Park for a few months and we play volleyball, go on hikes, run through the Lost Maze and do all kinds of cool stuff on the weekends!!! There’s no way I would have enjoyed all that if it hadn’t been for Tracey and my besties!!!

Have you re-introduced any foods yet? If yes, what and what were the results? I’ve got to be honest and say that I did my reintroductions ALLLL WRONG! ?‍♀️

We finished our 8-week detox right before the holidays and WHHOOOOOO boyyyy was that rough! I didn’t fall off the wagon but I did slip!

I’m actually doing a re-boot with the new group of Besties that just joined! I have to say that I’m having a much better time this go around!

I know more so I can just kind of relax and roll with the flow!

What tricks/tips made this life easier? Don’t rush through this process! Take your time and be patient or you will get overwhelmed and want to quit! Take your time and enjoy it or you just might miss some of the changes your body is making because you’re too focused on what is happening two weeks from now!

"Don't rush through the process! Take your time and be patient"

List your top AIP go-to meals... A Chicken Stir Fry that I made up! No-mato Sauce! Turkey burger patties with avocado and spinach!

List your favorite AIP snacks... apples, bananas and the chocolate/banana smoothie!

How do you stay AIP compliant outside your home (work, social gatherings, traveling, etc)? I make my lunch every day! I don’t really have any social gatherings I go to because all of my free time is spent with my Grand Girls!

I pack my juicer and take it, and the ingredients for my juice with me!

What other lifestyle implements have helped with your success (sleep, stress management, exercise)? I just FINALLY started to take care of ME!

After being successful in the group I felt like I could do ANYTHING! So I QUIT SMOKING!!! Cold turkey!!! I sure did!!! It’s been 10 weeks today since I have smoked a nasty, filthy cigarette! Once you can do both of those things your whole attitude towards yourself starts to change! I’m so much more confident now! It’s a slow process but I’m finding myself and I’m really happy!

"It’s a slow process but I’m finding myself and I’m really happy!"

What advice would you give to someone just starting The Best You? Take it slow! Enjoy the process! Listen to Tracey! Enjoy this crazy ride! You have NO idea what’s about to happen to you! This has definitely been life-changing for me!

"You have NO idea what’s about to happen to you! This has definitely been life-changing for me!"

If you are inspired by Lonnie and want to learn more about The Best You, click HERE to learn more and join our group!

Or if you are a current member with more than 60 days, please submit your story HERE to be featured as an AIP Warrior!

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