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Bed making made easy with this ruffled bedspread

Hello my name is Tracey.....and I am an avid bed-maker.

To. A. Fault.

Please don't unfriend me......but I have to be honest.

I do not function well if I leave for the day with my bed unmade. I know. I've tried it. Many times.

I am not like this with my entire living environment....I promise.

I can function just fine with a dish or two (or 20) in the sink.

I can function just fine with baskets full of unwashed laundry.

I can function fine with a fine layer of dust on the credenza.

But making my bed every single sort of a must.

It sets my tone for the day.

This is what I learned during my online search today......of what this says about my personality. I really needed to know...especially if I am going to tell you how excited I got about my new ruffled bedspread further on in this blog!

So whether you ARE or ARE NOT a bed on to find out what it says about you!

*based on a report from the Today you know its true...LOL!*

Bed Makers:

  1. adventurous

  2. confident

  3. sociable

  4. high-maintenance

  5. morning people often not requiring alarm clocks

  6. tend to work in health and technology-related fields

Non-Bed Makers:

  1. shy

  2. moody

  3. curious

  4. sarcastic

  5. night owls that hit snooze button

  6. tend to work in business or finance

I am a bed husband Matt is not....and those two descriptions describe us perfectly that it's kinda freaking me out!!!! LOL!

So go ahead....tell me.....are you Made or Un-Made????

And if you want an EASY daily bed-making routine.....check out my new ruffle skirted bedspread!

Bed making made easy with ruffled bedspread | Fit Fifty and Fearless

This blog has nothing to do with being fit or fifty....but has everything to do with fabulous!

You know when I find a product or a solution to a problem having anything to do with style, health, and EVEN home design...I share with with you here! Today......I bring you a recent personal home decor solution!

Somewhere along the way.....I became a fan of quilts and/or duvet covers for beds. I don't really know when or why this happened.....but I've stuck with it despite the struggles!

I mean.....WHY? Why do we need a "dust ruffle"??? And what an awful name?? What does it even mean?? Is it truly a ruffle to hide the dust that resides under your bed?? UGH! Can't even go there! But with most quilts and duvets.....they only hang enough to cover the sides of the mattress...exposing the box spring.....and a dust ruffle is required.

I've tried it all! I've purchased the coordinating fitted sheet to cover the box spring. I've purchased platform beds that don't require a box spring. I've sized up on the quilts to provide more overhang. NOTHING works! And heaven forbid you wash your duvet or quilt....because if it did fit prior to washing....the shrinkage will sabotage the fit afterwards!

So I'm taking it back to the OLD FASHIONED way of the bedspread!!!!!

During a recent visit to my BFF's house.....I immediately noticed the new ruffled bedspread on her guest bed! It was smooth and simple and sleek.....and there was NO issue with exposed ugly mattress or box spring showing!

Bed making made easy with ruffled bedspread | Fit Fifty and Fearless

That was all it took! Thank you Cheri!!!

I have now replaced my rather pricey quilt that was driving me nuts.....with a completely affordable bedspread!

It is pretty to look is soft to touch....and it DOESN'T drive me crazy!!!

Bed making made easy with ruffled bedspread | Fit Fifty and Fearless

There is no need for a dust ruffle.....there is no exposed mattress on one's perfectly balanced on both sides.......and it makes me wonder why on earth I ever thought quilts and duvets were so wonderful???

This is NOT a sponsored blog! I made absolutely nothing by writing this blog. I am providing an Amazon link for you....but let me tell you a little something about Amazon......I could sell a thousand of these and maybe make $5.00......and I'm not kidding. This blog is strictly written because I am excited!!! This blog is for all my home decor sisters out there that take great pride in how their "well-made bed" looks.....because this simple ruffled bedspread brings me peace of mind....and I just need to share that news!

Bed making made easy with ruffled bedspread | Fit Fifty and Fearless

Let's start a trend.......#bringbackthebedspread or #duvetsdrivemenuts !!!!

I’d love for you to follow me on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube to get all my health and wellness tips first!! And as always, sign up to get my emails here to see more of my clean eating, healthy living and more fun tips!

See you next week!



Bed making made easy with ruffled bedspread | Fit Fifty and Fearless
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