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Free Ultimate Furniture Painting Guide

Meet Caron T.

Caron has been a member of The Best You for 180+ days. She has been in daily pain for the last 13 years due to Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and she turned to The Best You for some relief from that pain. Weight loss was not her main focus when joining but she has lost over 50lbs along with having more energy, clearer focus, lessened side-effects from her chemo meds and the freedom from sugar and other cravings!

Where do you live (city/state)? Stoutsville, Ohio

What is your WHY for joining The Best You and eating AIP? Do you have a specific diagnosis? I have lots of WHY's, but my main goal was to decrease inflammation and pain that I felt on a daily basis for the past 13 years. I have CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia), diagnosed 13 years ago. Although weight loss was NOT one of my reasons to join the group, many of my WHY's involve weight loss. I just didn't want weight loss to be my focus. This was more about feeling healthy.

"The freedom from sugar cravings alone has been worth the journey!"

How did you learn about The Best You? I was watching a Tami Loves "crafty" video back in April and she mentioned Tracey Poole Bellion and this group. Before that, I had never heard of Tracey, which is crazy! I am so happy I happened upon that video and learned of this group, as it has been a life-saver and life-changing for me.

"I am so happy I happened upon that video and learned of this group, as it has been a life-saver and life-changing for me."

When did you join The Best You? What is your #number (days AIP / age)? May 2019, #183/56

Share your successes!! I have had many successes! After the first 10 days on the program, I noticed a significant decrease in the inflammation in my face. Other changes within the 183 days would be:

* more energy

* 54lb weight loss, without even thinking about or focusing on it (no counting calories, points, carbs, etc...)

* Lower and normal blood pressure readings

* Lower and normal cholesterol readings

* Lessened side effects from the chemo med I take

* more clarity, less fatigue

* freedom from sugar & cravings!!

Have you re-introduced any foods yet? If yes, what and what were the results? Yes. I've reintroduced nuts successfully. I reintroduced a couple of spices (in a homemade taco seasoning, chili powder, and paprika) and those I had a reaction to and woke up with inflammation and pain in my hands. I also had gluten-free pizza and cauliflower crust pizza. The gluten-free I had some numbness around my mouth as I was eating it and the cauliflower crust pizza didn't bother me.

What tricks/tips made this life easier? Juicing and freezing enough green juice for a week (this is optional on the program). Even though I had a daunting amount of weight to lose, I went into this program with the mindset of telling myself it wasn't for weight loss. My main goal was to decrease pain and inflammation in my body. It was to feel better, be more mobile and have freedom from sugar. So for me, my mindset makes this journey easier.

"My main goal was to decrease pain and inflammation in my body. It was to feel better, be more mobile and have freedom from sugar. So for me, my mindset makes this journey easier."

List your top AIP go-to meals... One Pan Autumn Chicken Dinner, Egg Roll in a Bowl, Stir fry with whatever is in my fridge... :)

List your favorite AIP snacks... I like to snack on grapes, apples (sometimes with a little Coconut Cacao Bliss), AIP approved lunchmeat, pickles, nuts or a breakfast smoothie. I'm not really a carrot stick kind of girl...

How do you stay AIP compliant outside your home (work, social gatherings, traveling, etc)? If traveling, I bring my food along with me! I'll bring my Nutri bullet and make smoothies. I do still go out to eat on occasion and will order something simple like grilled chicken breast or steak without seasonings, sweet potato, and veggies. The key is to be prepared. When I used to road trip prior to AIP, I'd stop in a gas station for snacks and come out with pretzels or chips. Now I'll stop at a grocery and grab some fruit! There are always healthier options!

"The key is to be prepared. When I used to road trip prior to AIP, I'd stop in a gas station for snacks and come out with pretzels or chips. Now I'll stop at a grocery and grab some fruit! There are always healthier options!"

What other lifestyle implements have helped with your success (sleep, stress management, exercise)? Making myself head to bed at a decent time each night. Carving out time during each week to focus on me and revisit my WHY's. Recently I started exercising.

What advice would you give to someone just starting The Best You? Take it slow and work the program week by week. For me, that's what worked best and I wasn't overwhelmed with all the changes I would be making. Do not compare your journey to someone else's journey. Be active in the group (whether it's posting each day, commenting on threads, watching videos or looking in to see what's happening each day.) If someone had told me 183 days ago that I would be sleeping better, have more energy, crave nutrient-dense foods and go through an entire Halloween season without one single piece of candy, I would have thought they were nuts. The freedom from sugar cravings alone has been worth the journey!

If you are inspired by Caron and want to learn more about The Best You, click HERE to learn more and join our group!

Or if you are a current member with more than 60 days, please submit your story HERE to be featured as an AIP Warrior!

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