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Meet Lynne

Lynne, a member of The Best You who just celebrated one year in the program, struggled with horrible eczema before starting her AIP journey. Now she can say that it has almost completely cleared up! Wait until you see the pictures... Continue reading to hear her AIP warrior story.

Lynne before

Lynne now

Where do you live (city/state)? Oroville, CA

What is your WHY for joining The Best You and eating AIP? Do you have a specific diagnosis? I had such a bad case of Eczema on my hands that wasn’t responding to any meds from 3 different dermatologists.

How did you learn about The Best You? My dental hygienist told me another patient of hers had her psoriasis clear up with this program.

When did you join The Best You? What is your #number (days AIP / age)? I joined in January 2020! My number is #375!

Share your successes!! Lost 35 lbs, 35.75 inches! The eczema on my hands has almost entirely cleared up. I lowered my cholesterol by 30 points. My miracle was being re-evaluated and taken off my CPAP machine for sleep apnea after 7 years!

Joint pain has been dramatically reduced, and I’m no longer thinking about knee surgery!

"The eczema on my hands has almost entirely cleared up."

Have you re-introduced any foods yet? If yes, what and what were the results? I have reintroduced farm fresh chicken eggs (from a friend); nuts (I found out I was allergic to walnuts though-after eating them daily before!)

I also tried rolled oats and found them uncomfortable to digest and the same with both white and brown rice, so no more, at least for now.

What tricks/tips made this life easier? I like Tracey’s tip-to take food and snacks with me (like a freshly washed apple). The other tip of hers I use is to be in a good mindset...any family get-together is to enjoy the company I’m with, it’s no longer about the food! Then if I’m tempted to eat something I ask myself “Really? Is this the item that is going to entice you to go off the program and possibly not get back on?” So far, the answer has always been NO!

"Any family get-together is to enjoy the company I’m with, it’s no longer about the food!"

List your top AIP go-to meals... I like chicken bone broth cooked up as soup with onion, celery, & carrots. I like stir fry with various veggies and chunks of chicken breast. Also, I like to buy the bags of chopped cabbage, lettuce, carrots, & onion, and I add chunks of cooked chicken breast, avocado, and mandarin slices. I liked this suggestion from Tracey, as she said just discard the toppings and dressing, & enjoy the rest!

List your favorite AIP snacks... I learned that I love Fuji apples! (Once I reintroduced nuts I especially love my apples with almond butter!) I eat a banana every day. I will often grab a few raw almonds to take with me, and I treat myself to a small box of raisins occasionally. I used to hate sweet potatoes, but I have learned to like them (especially at bed time-it really helps me sleep better! Thanks Tracey- for this info!)

How do you stay AIP compliant outside your home (work, social gatherings, traveling, etc)? I take my snacks, plus chopped chicken, a half of a sweet potato and avocado. (We really did not eat out much in 2020)

What other lifestyle implements have helped with your success (sleep, stress management, exercise)? I’ve found that drinking lots of water has made a huge difference in sleeping better. Also I have fewer anxious times. If ever there is a really busy day where I don’t get enough water, I will notice those anxious feelings and sleepless nights return.

"I've found that drinking lots of water has made a huge difference in sleeping better and lower anxiety!"

What advice would you give to someone just starting The Best You? Give it time- ask questions, be patient with yourself -you don’t have to be perfect! Realize it’s not always going to be easy to change your habits from a lifetime of doing things differently. But be excited! A new you is just around the corner!

"Give it time. Ask questions. Be patient with yourself. You don’t have to be perfect!"

If you are inspired by Lynne and want to learn more about The Best You, click HERE to learn more and join our group!

Or if you are a current member with more than 60 days, please submit your story HERE to be featured as an AIP Warrior!

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