Ever wondered how you get that old... worn... rich... leathery look? You know...where EVERY wrinkle, EVERY crease, was put in all the right places to create the feel of a well-traveled leather steam trunk of yesteryear! Then to top it all off...in BLACK???
Thats exACTly what Tracey has done with this "Renaissance" inspired Queen bed. It didn't hurt that we found this bed already naturally weathered, and well-worn.
I have to admit, watching Tracey on this one made me a bit nervous! A beautiful Heirloom Traditions Paint in Black Bean, then sanded to THIS!!! Look what she did...YIKES!
Tracey reassured me, "No worries, Julie. This is where people 'freak out' a little!"

Once everything got a good sanding, it was time to "restore" and bring out the richness of the wood.
The entire bed was rubbed down with Heirloom Traditions Soft Wax in Jet Black then wiped with a soft, damp cloth until the desired depth is achieved.

From the outline of the gold down to the carved epaulets on the legs, this Queen Bed commands attention!
I also encourage you to give Dixie Belle Paints a try! They offer a rich and colorful selection of paints that will not disappoint you! I've listed all colors used on these growth charts below...
The products listed here are exactly what I used on these growth charts! Dixie Belle Paint company offers amazing products that will make all of your projects successful no matter what your skill level is!
(products used: fluff, peony, flamingo, soft pink, tree frog green, the gulf, caviar, clear coat in satin.....and the tiny bottle of gold paint that I always use on surface trim and base.....cling on brushes and 1" flat brush)