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Free Ultimate Furniture Painting Guide

Textured Heart on Canvas

I am a furniture artist.

But before I could call myself that......I was simply an artist.

I sat my visions and dreams aside while doing so many mothers do. Furniture art allowed me to create a beautiful environment for my own home with just pennies.....which eventually became my business. And for that I am thankful. It allowed me to tap into my creative desires just enough to keep me satisfied.

But then.....there is CANVAS! I cannot fight back the urge any longer. I've decided to pursue my original passion and add it to my offerings.

I began with my Angel Wing on canvas which was a huge success! Seeing so many versions of angel wings on social media....reading the stories that people shared about what the wing represented to them....meant everything to me! I know I made the right decision to share my it brought obvious joy to others as they created their own. Those same individuals have asked for another course.....and after much thought and prayer....I was given this vision. My Textured Heart on canvas that I refer to as Lift and #1 of a 5 part series.

See more of these pieces HERE in my Etsy shop!

I chose colors in variations of both dark and light.....applied in a scraped and pulled color blocking serve as the backdrop to the ultra rich heart.

The heart is layered in an impasto style finish.....with a finish so appears to be wet paint. This effect....oddly enough....pulls the observer in....tempting them to reach and and touch it!

As a finishing touch.....I enhanced this heart...along with all others in the a dark midnight black.....whimsically applied.....and imperfect outline. I learned this final touch from my niece who is a master skilled she knew I'd enjoy that process as much as she does! It adds a playful touch to any piece of canvas art.....and ya'll know how much I love playful!

I hope you will find excitement in my excitement about this new creative arena!

I look forward to sharing many more canvas works with you in the future!

Ready to try your hand at it? I have a tutorial right HERE that will guide you step-by-step in creating your own textured heart on canvas.

Don’t forget to sign up to get my emails here.

And as always…..I hope this inspires even just ONE person to pursue that dream that has been set aside for awhile! It’s never too late!

Textured Heart on Canvas with an impasto style finish by Traceys Fancy
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