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Free Ultimate Furniture Painting Guide

Baby Angel Wing Canvas

This Baby Angel Wing Canvas is a one-of-a-kind, sentimental piece.

Baby Angel Wings Canvas - Tracey's Fancy

A Project with Meaning

I was asked to create a pair of tiny angel wings for a family for very personal reasons that are not mine to tell. But I will say that it was a blessing and an honor to create this heavenly art, and to pray over the family as I worked on it.

Painting is therapy for me, and often it is my prayer time. Even more often than that, I am praying for the person that receives my work.

For that, I am thankful.  

A Peaceful Sky with Primaries

I wanted to create a heavenly sky showing light and hope and the promise of everlasting life.

To be honest, that makes me want to paint bold and big; however, I needed this particular scene to be soft and delicate.

It was challenging at first, but once I found a few inspiration photos to pull from, I found my direction.

What I really love about this canvas was I created every color you can see with four basic primary colors!

Red, Blue, Yellow and White (for this project I used Dixie Belle's chalk mineral paint in Honky Tonk Red, Cobalt Blue, Daisy, and Fluff).

Using primary colors to create custom color for Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Mixing paint colors is always intriguing and never boring!

If you usually just paint with colors straight from a jar or tube or bottle, I encourage you to CREATE your colors from basics.

I bet you will be surprised at how empowering it is!

I chose an 8x8 canvas (just in case you want to give this a try).

8x8 canvas used to create Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Make sure you have several good brushes in various sizes.

You'll need water nearby, and something to blend your colors on.

I started at the bottom and added a deep purple that I achieved by mixing blue and red with a touch of white.

I just worked my way up the canvas by adding more white to each layer.

Painting from the bottom of the Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Blending more colors for backdrop on Baby Angel Wing Canvas painting made with Dixie Belle chalk mineral paint and brushes to create softened blend effect

Completed blend of backdrop with chalk mineral colors for Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Once my canvas looked the way I wanted it to, I began my heavenly rays.

I just moved my brush upward and outward like sun rays, pulling the wet paint colors that were already there.

Adding in rays with blended paint colors for Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Blending in the rays for a halo, soften effect for Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Afterward, I used my mop brush to blend/blur out the hard edges of the rays before adding a touch of deep blue and white to my brush and layered a few rays in that color.  

Again, by blurring the lines of the rays with the mop brush.

Using chalk mineral paint to add in cloud details for Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Now it was time to bring in some glow.

I did this by watering down my yellow until it was quite thin, and blotting it just above the area of the sky where I wanted to lay the wings.  

Using chalk mineral paint to add in cloud details for Baby Angel Wing Canvas

I continued to use my mop brush to keep my outer edges of light, rays, and clouds blurred.

The blend for our Baby Angel Wing Canvas is coming along nicely!

Clouds were now added one at a time in various colors of the violets that I had mixed.

I even mixed white with red to get a soft pink (because pink clouds are gorgeous)., and I hope Heaven has them!

I continued this until I was satisfied with the placement of the clouds.

Using chalk mineral paint to add in cloud details for Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Once my clouds of all colors were complete, I began to add an extremely watered-down yellow to accentuate the glow everywhere that I imagined it would peek through.

In all honesty, the glow was so important to me!! The glow is hope! Hope for better days. Hope for healing; lots of healing.

I even added the yellow "Hope" to the rays. Rays of hope!

Once this felt right I introduced highlights of white.

Using a small brush to add fine details onto Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Adding water line texture with small brush and fluff chalk mineral paint onto Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Finished blended colors, clouds, and white details onto Baby Angel Wing Canvas

I used this on the edge of the clouds, and to add reflection in the water. This is done with the tiniest detail brush you can find!

And this is what I hope Heaven looks like!

Tracey showing finished background painting of blended colors, clouds, and fine details made using dixie belle chalk mineral paint

Angel Wings

Now I need to create the precious tiny angel wings.

I drew them out with chalk first just to check placement.

Using chalk to draw on wings pattern for Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Afterward, I used Dixie Belle Mud in white, and a tiny spatula, to create the layers of wings.

Using Dixie Belle Mud in white to create textured wing pattern for Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Completed wings with DB Mud in white

I let this dry overnight.

The next day, I painted those tiny little baby angel wings with one of the soft pinks I had used in the sky before dusting them with a fan brush using white to accentuate the feathers.

And for the final touch, I dusted the wings' edges with Gold Gilding Wax.

Painting pink onto white DB Mud to create a soft, angelic glow for Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Complete pink painting onto angel wings made with Dixie Belle Mud in White for Baby Angel Wing Canvas

Using Gold Gilding Wax for adding reflection and glow on angel wings


Baby Angel Wings Canvas - Tracey's Fancy

This representation of hope has a tiny name drawn into the clouds.

That tiny name earned her wings. I wonder if they were pink?

I'd like to think so.



Another resource to offer angelic inspiration:

Drippy Angel Wings

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