Is it just me?? Or does that happen to you too?
You get an idea in your head (that is the problem right there...LOL)....
A vision....of exactly what you need to complete a room....and you CAN'T FIND IT anywhere!!!

(This post may contain some affiliate links for Amazon, from which I could make a small commission if you purchase ... at no charge to you! I only recommend products I use myself and LOVE.)
And here you go again....another DIY!!!!
Yep....I wanted a 36" heart as the feature piece above a baby bed for a friend. I wanted specific colors and decoupaged slats AND custom-painted name! So I had to make it myself ... here's how....
I used brown packing paper to make my own pattern.....laid out randomly sized planks.....traced my pattern onto the wood....and cut!

I then painted, stained and decoupaged tissue paper with 1Gel onto each plank according to my "vision".....

I used my electrical sander (I use this one here.) to heavily distress each board....including the tissue paper planks. I wanted the wood grain to be very visible!

You see that wood grain on the center gray board??? Isn't that fabulous??? It is the exact look I was after!
A little hand-lettering of baby Georgie's name....and it is complete! Check out my Hand Lettering course to learn all my tricks for making beautiful signs.

Can you see the entire gorgeous Farmhouse shared nursery, which I designed, HERE. It includes a big brother bed that keeps with the farmhouse style! Go check it out
I promise you can do this DIY!!! This wooden heart sign is the feature piece of this room.
If you'd like see more of my future painting projects, artwork and room designs -- please sign up to get my blog newsletter here. I'd love for you to follow me on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube to see all my creations first!!
See you next week!

Please please please share my DIY Wooden Heart Sign on Pinterest & follow me here.