AHHHHhhhhh! I'm skeered!!!
I'm going to paint an already gorgeous leather chair today.....and I'm just a leeeeetle apprehensive! I'm pretty certain I will need some leather conditioner in order to restore it to it's best condition before painting.
I found this chair on Craigslist for $50 bucks!! And it is so beautiful......but it just did NOT match my new office design plans at all!!!! I love the style and the size though...so what to do???
PAINT IT.....whaaaattt?????
This post contains Amazon affiliate links of which I make a small commission at zero charge to you if you purchase. I only recommend products I use myself and love. I am not paid to promote Finish All Paint! Thank you for your purchases.

Yes.....I painted my office chair!
Introducing Finish All in Weathervane! The magic paint in a jar that allows you to SUCCESSFULLY paint leather, wood, vinyl, stone, fabric ....uhhhh....pretty much anything except velvet!
I did this on LIVE video not knowing what exactly would happen....but I did it. You can see that here....
Holy smokes ya'll!!!! This chair is STUNNING!!!! LOOK. AT. IT. !!!!

I did this!!! I made this chair even more beautiful than it was!!! It now has a super rich velvet finish.....low sheen....cracks were filled...no brush strokes.....look!
And guess what else???? There was very little prep (I wiped down with alcohol)....zero primer....and zero sealer! I just painted two coats on and was DONE!!!! This amazing all-in-one paint takes all the guesswork out of your project and keeps it fast and simple!!!

It is soft....feels sort of like really broken in leather.....like the inside of an old baseball glove! The cracks that were already there (you can see them on the seat in both the before and after) sort of healed over. Almost like that liquid bandaid stuff you put on boo-boos.

PS You can get this beautiful pink rug HERE. (ummmm....you NEED this rug in your life)
The before and after comparison blows my mind. I use Finish All on fabric chairs weekly when I paint my mermaids and fancy lady chairs...you can see them here....
But I am even more fond of it for leather! I want to go out and save all the outdated leather chairs and paint them!!! Bring me all the old leather chairs!!!!

I carry all 8 Finish All colors right here in my Amazon influence list HERE. I hope you will give it a try! You will love me forever!!!

Weathervane / Charcoal
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See you next week!

Please please please share my Painted Gray Leather Chair pins on Pinterest! And find me on Pinterest!