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Last-minute teen girl birthday party ideas

Sometimes life just comes at us so fast.....that we find ourselves in a pickle! For me, it was an "I need teen girl birthday party ideas" pickle.

I was in a serious mom pickle. Do you know what that is?

It's when you've meant to plan had full intentions of planning something fabulous......and family, school, sports, work, travel, blogs, projects.....and BIRTHDAYS!

My baby turned 13 this year! My kids range from 36 to it's not my first rodeo. I should know how to do this better....but it is what it is....and I was scrambling!

Far be it from me to FAIL at celebrating the birthday she's waited on FOREVER......THIRTEEN! #officiallyateenager

So we did a hotel party! I have tons of fast easy teen girl birthday party ideas to share with you...

Have you ever done this? It's genius! I usually rent a room in a hotel that has free breakfast and an indoor we can swim even if it's cold outside! This is our 4th hotel party....because Zadie loves them! This time....there was nothing free dinner for the kids or continental breakfast....and the pool was outdoors....but it was amazing and that worked in our favor!

I usually limit the number of girls to three Zadie. I only rent one I am sleeping with them. Did you know three girls can sleep sideways on a queen bed pretty comfortably? (just kidding, you can ask for a pull our or rollaway) LOL! Zadie usually sleeps with me in the other queen bed.

We check in....and decorate! That is Zadie's favorite part! She loves to decorate the rooms with party gear! I don't know why I didn't get any pictures of this. I bring a ton of food....and make a huge buffet of fruit and true junk food for them to eat all night! She wanted a cookie cake this year.

Teen Birthday Party Ideas by Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

So we sang Happy Birthday and blew out candles they could dig into the cookie!

We opened presents.....and then headed straight for the pool! We stayed until the sunset and it was wonderful!

I usually order pizza...but this time I agreed to take them out to dinner.....a local Mexican food dive!

Once back at the hotel they got right into their goodie bags I had made for them.

Each girl was given a pair of pajamas that I ordered on Amazon.....super affordable and really cute that I matched with a hair scrunch that I used to secure the rolled-up jammies.

I loaded the bags with all sorts of beauty products like a hair towel wrap and leave in "unicorn" hair conditioner.

Teen Birthday Party Ideas by Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

They loved their face mask and took lots of photos that they wouldn't release to I snuck this one myself!

Teen Birthday Party Ideas by Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

I also found these adorable sleep mask!!!! How cute are they??? I can't believe I didn't sneak a photo of all of them sleeping with these on their faces!

Teen Birthday Party Ideas by Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless for the part I really like! The crafts! May they never outgrow their love of crafts!

Every girl got a white pillowcase....and a white t-shirt! (both items ordered from Amazon)

I purchased these fabric paints at Hobby Lobby.....and each girl was able to design their own pillowcase.

Teen Birthday Party Ideas by Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

They had a great time in their cell phones...just each other and a craft!

Teen Birthday Party Ideas by Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

Zadie chose Peppa Pig for some reason which is really funny....she used to LOVE that show back when she was THREE!

Teen Birthday Party Ideas by Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

I also purchased the t-shirt tie-dye kit.

Teen Birthday Party Ideas by Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

We didn't actually get around to making these. It was 3 am before we knew it...and we just ran out of time (they spent a lot of time on the beauty However...we have used this same kit many times and it works great! Zadie made her t-shirt when we got home the next girl loves decorating and crafts and can't rest until they are both all used up!

So the girls had a blast!!!

Zadie loved being surrounded by her friends she feels the closest to.

Teen Birthday Party Ideas by Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

And of course she loved the gifts....and she received some VERY special ones!

I wish I could slow down just goes by so fast! Two of my grand babies were there...and I got this video of them walking down the hall.

It seems like yesterday Zadie was THREE.....without a care in the world....except wanting to know what time Peppa Pig came on tv!

Remember to always be the happiest person you know...just like Ms. Zadie here. Read my blog HERE to find out more...

Anyway.....Zadie never had a clue I was in a mom pickle....and was thrilled with her thrown together last-minute, order everything from Amazon party! I hope you've seen some teen birthday party ideas here today that you can use! Or maybe you just needed to read that not all moms orchestrate a Pinterest worthy birthday party....and you are NOT alone in your scramble to keep up!

Shop: Teen Girl Birthday Party

You too can throw together a fantastic birthday party for your favorite teen girl. The products listed below are the exact ones I used for this party!

Please share my teen girl birthday party ideas pins and follow me on Pinterest!

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