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Free Ultimate Furniture Painting Guide

Painted Backsplash: a HUGE impact for little money


A reader last week said she wished she had my MOXIE..... after seeing my multiple kitchen transformations with paint. I've always loved that word but I don't think I'd ever looked up the actual definition..... so I did!

~ force of character, determination or nerve - webster

Hey.... I'll take it!

In all honesty..... it did take nerve to paint my stone any paint color...much less black and white harlequin pattern. But I did it..... and I'm so glad I did! You can see the whole kitchen makeover HERE.

But that star that sits boldly behind/above my stove top..... dead center..... that took determination!!!

hand-painted backsplash | Tracey's Fancy


Because I didn't have the proper tools or supplies to make it happen (thank you social isolation COVID-19) and I couldn't just hop in my car and go to my home away from home Hobby Lobby them!

But I was determined (and a little bit impatient... to impatient to even wait for Amazon) to make it happen instantly!

This is the look we've had for years and years.... and I was ready for a change!

I remembered an old school way of transferring images using paper and a pencil. I didn't even take the time to YOU TUBE it..... I just winged it..... on LIVE video of all things.... because I do that kind of crazy often. You can see that video here.... or just keep reading to see the pictures of the process.

If you need a recap of the entire backsplash painting project with the Dixie Belle Paint products that I used.... you can find that HERE.  

Here is the "empty" center tile that was begging for "something".

hand-painted harlequin backsplash | Tracey's Fancy

Matt and I had ordered linoleum tiles to use in our guest bath. I loved the tiles.... he didn't feel the same. So no tiles on the bathroom floor..... but...... he did like my idea of the star design in that center tile behind the stove!

hand-painted backsplash inspiration tile | Tracey's Fancy

I taped together two pieces of copy paper (only white paper I had in the house.... remember.... I'm being forced to be resourceful).... so they'd be large enough for the entire design.

I laid the taped pieces over the design and traced it out with a pencil. I made sure to make the pencil mark very bold...laying down as much pencil lead as I could.

I then flipped the paper over.... so the pencil marks are actually in contact with the tile..... and taped it into place.

I then scribbled all over the back side of the paper with a pencil as well...... allowing the pressure from my pencil to press the lead on the paper on the opposite side to be transferred to the tile!

And sure enough.... you can clearly see the lines of the star shape!

hand-painted backsplash image transfer | Tracey's Fancy

I then used my favorite paint pen to outline the entire star. This just gives a crisp black edge that can be filled in with paint.

Using a 1/4" angled detail artist brush...I filled in the star with two coats of Dixie Belle Caviar...the same black that I painted onto every other tile of the backsplash.

I found it easier to get clean lines by being really close to the tile..... ..... as in precariously close..... LOL!

hand-painted backsplash | Tracey's Fancy

And LOOK!!!

Isn't it beautiful???

hand-painted backsplash | Tracey's Fancy

I let it dry overnight and topped it the next day with two coats of Gator Hide by Dixie Belle.

It dried with the most beautiful sheen that is easy to wipe clean.... because.... let's be honest.... cooking is a messy thing..... and Gator Hide is ultra-durable and water-resistant!

So there you have it..... MY MOXIE KITCHEN!

hand-painted backsplash | Tracey's Fancy

Shop: Hand Painted Backsplash

The products listed here are what I used for this hand-painted backsplash project! Dixie Belle Paint company offers amazing products that will make all of your projects successful no matter what your skill level! Just click on any of the products shown below! You can also find my favorite products and tools in my Amazon influencer list here.

Here's how it works...these products are attached to my name. When you purchase by clicking from my blog.....then Dixie Belle offers a kickback to me for referring you! It doesn't cost you any more to use my links....and the support helps me to bring you new projects! So I thank you in advance!!!

See you next week!



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hand painted backsplash tile | Tracey's Fancy
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