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Free Ultimate Furniture Painting Guide

Hello Gorgeous Painted Vanity


Painted Vanity Before | Tracey's Fancy

Something about this custom-painted vanity makes me hear that Meghan Trainor song "Me Too"!

Do you know this song?? If not…. you need to look it up and LISTEN! It's a super sassy, feel-good song that makes you want to dance in front of a mirror!

……. "if I was you, I'd wanna be me too"….just a catchy little phrase.

This vanity did not start out with such confidence.

It was dank, dreary and droopy…. wah… wah…

Painted Vanity Before | Tracey's Fancy

I saw the 8 long spindly legs as rather "sexay"…. and I wanted to play them up! I didn't want it to be just ANOTHER painted vanity! I wanted a show stopper…. a gaudy… almost tacky (almost is a key word here)…. show stopper! I LOVE the brand Consuela…. and I own more of their bags than I care to admit. They are sassy…. gaudy…. and usually over the top. I chose one of my own Consuela bags as a guide for this piece! So without a real plan…. I just started laying down paint….starting with those legs!

The very first thing I did was to cover those legs in a soft buttery paint called Rebel Yellow by Dixie Belle. This served as a nice back drop for my oversized leopard print.

Hello Gorgeous Painted Vanity | Tracey's Fancy

In the photo below you see the bag that inspired me to add the leopard and polk-a-dots! I ADORE POLK - A -DOTS! It's as if I never out grew them!!! Anyone else???

So let us talk about those words…..

Who wouldn't want an original custom painted vanity with those words to greet them every morning?

I know I'm not going to hear them from anyone else in my house….. I may as well provide them for myself right??

Hello Gorgeous Painted Vanity | Tracey's Fancy

The large Consuela bag inspired me to add the crazy colors of purple (Amethyst), hot pink (Peony) and coral (Flamingo). The top right and left of this piece are painted in a the beautiful blue of a Tiffany box… and this paint is actually called Mermaid Tail. As for the little roses….. I went full out traditional Honky Tonk Red and Tree Frog Green.

Hello Gorgeous Painted Vanity | Tracey's Fancy

I used my favorite Guilding Wax in Gold to embellish the detailed carvings.

Hello Gorgeous Painted Vanity | Tracey's Fancy

You may wonder how I came up with the angled design on the drawer fronts…. and I really can't tell you! I would just stand back and stare at this piece…. wait for a vision… and then go for it! I did not make one move that I questioned… or had to redo! I went with my gut and enjoyed every minute of it!

Hello Gorgeous Painted Vanity | Tracey's Fancy

I couldn't let this painted vanity go without adding the black and white checkered pattern. If you have followed me for any length of time you have probably noticed that I love black and white. There is always a way to work it into a design….. and is often a very good idea. I may use it in stripes, harlequin or checks. It really finishes a piece with a bang!

Hello Gorgeous Painted Vanity | Tracey's Fancy

So here she is…. she looks good…. and she knows it!!! (cue the Meghan Trainor song)

Let this before/after comparison below sink in for just a minute!

Its a lot to take in….I know! LOL!

It's not for the faint at heart….. it's for the confident, quirky, fly by the seat of your pants kinda woman! I like to pretend I am that! Even if it is just through my funkified, fancied-up painted vanity!

I hope she speaks to at least a small inner part of your soul!

Painted Vanity Before & After | Tracey's Fancy


FYI: Don't forget to wash & rinse before painting, then put your sealer when completed...

If your heart is begging for these colors in your life, get them from Dixie Belle and sign up for my blog newsletter and you'll get notified of my fancy creations and painting tips.

Please pin my Hello Gorgeous Painted Vanity & share it with your Pinterest followers! And follow me while you're at it!

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