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Free Ultimate Furniture Painting Guide

The Jack Daniels Rabbit Hole

These are a few of my faaaa-vor-ite things! (insert Sound of Music tune)….

I know you know….it's no secret I enjoy my Jack Daniels with a little Diet Coke every now and then….

But did you know??? I am an HUGE Alice in Wonderland fan!!!

Give me an opportunity to share some Alice whimsy with the world and I just might do a little futterwacken….

* This post may contain affiliate links. I could make a commission at no charge to you if you purchase my recommended products. Please read my disclosure here and my privacy policy here.

Introducing……….…..Jack and Alice….and the Rabbit Hole Dresser!

I totally lost myself in this project!! I just went all Mad Hatter gallymoggers!

And I painted a rabbit hole!!!

Dive right in my friend….this rabbit hole will make you gyre!

This video is NOT short…so if you're in a hurry….just move right on! But if you want an insight into my crazy mind when I'm immersed in full design mode….press play…if you dare!

This little snippet is rather quick….and gives you product information for making your own rabbit hole piece! I used Cavier and Drop Cloth by Dixie Belle Paint…because it is my FAVORITE paint!!! This video introduces my FAVE antiquing gel known as Dark Antiquing Patina by Heirloom Traditions ….and it is the BEST when looking for an aged finish…or when you just want to knock back a color a smidgen! I use it daily!!! It's very easy to apply!

(Note: Heirloom Traditions has discontinued its Vintiques product line, I recommend using Grunge Glaze by Dixie Belle to replace the Dark Antiquing Patina for the same effect.)

I love antiquing gel - Dark Antiquing Patina (instead now use Grunge Glaze)

This little side kick was a bonus for this set…and it is not blessed with its own rabbit hole! There can only be ONE!

I also used Cavier and Drop Cloth on this piece.

I used the alligator stencil from Dixie Belle on the drawer front and I have a video in a previous post…..showing how I very "messily" make a raised stencil!

The trim and the gator pattern are done with Modern Masters Olympic Gold

Here they are together….isn't the sidekick cute??

I reeeealllly love this view! Wouldn't it be great if it was acceptable to place the dresser in its forever home at this angle??? So all of its rabbit hole beauty shows at a glance???

Love the Whimsy Wonderland?

If you are considering painting a piece of furniture in your home.....and you like Whimsy....(which you MUST or you wouldn’t be following me right???)....but you are scared....or hesitant....or just don't know where to start.....I am here for you!

All you have to do is submit your email below and I will be in touch soon!

Yes, I'm interested

Thank you!

I've added you to my list of Whimsy Lovers! Stay tuned!

This is what Jack Daniels can do to your vision if you "drink me" too much… beware!


The products listed here are what I used on this fun project! Dixie Belle Paint company offers amazing products that will make all of your projects successful no matter what your skill level is!

If you would like to paint your own furniture ....but lack confidence with where to start....I offer furniture design consultation! Contact me here and we can get you started on your next project!

Next week I'm painting something super cool!! Sign up to get my emails here. (And make sure you check your promotions folder, and drag it into the inbox folder if you're a gmail user so you won't miss it!)

I hope you enjoyed the pics and the videos. I really wish you could have joined me for the entire painting process!

Until next week….stay "curiouser and curiouser"…..I'll be back with more!



Follow me on Pinterest and please please please pin my Jack Daniels rabbit hole dresser!





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