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Eight signs that you need to switch doctors

I feel the need to share my thoughts on taking control of your medical path and knowing when you need to switch doctors.

While I know there are those that switch doctors as often as they switch cereal flavors just to hear what they personally want to hear.....there are just as many individuals that stay loyal.... with one physician even when the fit just doesn't feel right.

signs its time to switch doctors | | Tracey Bellion

As a health and wellness The Best You group leader, I hear way too many stories of physician/patient relationships that are in need of serious change. have a choice!

You are not STUCK in a doctor relationship ever!!

Signs that you need to switch doctors

  1. If you feel as if you don't have a say in your own health choices....begin the search for a new physician

  2. If you feel that you aren't being heard.....begin the search for a new physician.

  3. If you feel that your concerns are not being taken seriously.....begin the search for a new physician.

  4. If you are being talked down to in any way.....begin the search for a new physician.

  5. If you feel that your care has been overlooked due to your doctor being "too busy".....begin the search for a new physician.

  6. If being part of a large group that has become impersonal.....begin the search for a new physician.

  7. If you have tolerated being "talked down to".....begin the search for a new physician.

  8. If you are spoken to in a disrespectful manner by your doctor (or staff)......begin the search for a new physician.

I realize it takes work....and it may feel daunting to have to start a brand new relationship with new care. Especially for those with a chronic illness and a long medical history. But sticking around for those reasons is no different than staying in a marriage "for the kids"!

You will likely.....eventually choose to not speak up for yourself, cancel appointments, not follow through with doctor suggestions, and become resentful.

If you find yourself feeling anything that I have mentioned here....its likely time to seek new care.

It is so important to find a physician with a staff that is caring, nurturing, responsive and trustworthy.

I speak from personal experience! It has happened several times in my life....where I've come home upset and hurt by my doctor's actions or words. It took my husband bringing it to my attention each time....that the doctor/patient fit just didn't seem right.

I can honestly say....that with a little homework....and several doctor interviews/trial runs......I've now found a "team" of docs that I feel both comfortable and confidant with. I trust them with my health.....which is so very important! My chronic illness is not something that can be ignored... or left to fall through the cracks.

So if you are reading this and feeling the slightest bit of a tug......I encourage you to ask yourself if you are trusting the right physician.

I’d love for you to follow me on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube to get all my health and wellness tips first!! And as always, sign up to get my emails here to see more of my clean eating, healthy living and more fun tips!

See you next week!



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signs its time to switch doctors | | Tracey Bellion
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