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FIVE tips to curb sugar cravings

Sugar. This is a subject that deserves an entire book...but that's another day! Today I want to give you FIVE simple ways to curb your sugar cravings!

These tips are meant for those following the AIP lifestyle.....and especially for those in the beginning phases of food detox. They can also be useful when you find yourself under a great amount of many of us have conditioned ourselves to turn to sugar for comfort.

#1: Water

I know.....I used to want to throw up AND throw a big giant eye roll when people would tell me to drink water to curb both hunger and cravings.

But they were right....and the advice was solid.

Drink Water to Curb Sugar Cravings with Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

So hear me out when I tell you I know that listing this as the #1 tip may be very off-putting....but it works!! If you calculate your water needs (1/2 your weight in ounces) and are sure to meet that intake requirement're sugar cravings will be greatly reduced!

#2: Fruit

Especially apples.

Eat Fruit to Curb Sugar Cravings with Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

An apple a day will keep the cravings away. The longer you maintain a diet without refined sugar.....the more you will begin to taste the real sweetness in real foods....such as apples. Apples are very satisfying as they provide you with both a sweet flavor AND a crunch! Crunch sends signals to the brain that really help to alleviate feelings of hunger.

Close second .... bananas.

Find a fruit that really satisfies you and rely on it one day at a time to keep you on track when avoiding sugar!

#3: Dates

And here we are recommending to you something that would have made me just GAG in the past. But's true and it works!!!

Enjoy Dates to Curb Sugar Cravings with Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

I must be honest and tell you that I simply cannot eat a large dried date to this day! I am only able to enjoy the ground dates that are rolled into balls.....and then rolled in coconut or chopped almonds. I buy THESE at my local grocer and they saved my BOOTY when I first started my AIP journey!

I never ever let my self run out...and I didn't even limit my self at first. I figured several of these throughout the day was better than caving and eating a pop tart! Within a few weeks, I was easily able to limit myself to 2 per day.

#4: Sweet Potatoes

This food is my superfood hero! I have no doubt I could survive if this was all I had left to eat for the rest of my life. I like them baked, broiled, stir fried, roasted, for breakfast, lunch, dinner AND yes.....dessert!

Eat Sweet Potatoes to Curb Sugar Cravings with Tracey Bellion of Fit Fifty and Fearless

When I first began AIP, I did not realize I could have these little nuggets of goodness. I was about 8 weeks in before I realized they were allowed....and I rarely miss a day! For almost a year....I ate roasted sweet potato slices dusted in sea salt and cinnamon at bedtime! I've slept like a baby since that first night!

Curious about what I eat in a week?? I think you'll be's A LOT. Click HERE to purchase my Honest 7-Day AIP Meal Plan complete with 15+ recipes with enticing full-color photos for all meals, AIP snack ideas, AIP shopping list and much more...

#5: Smoothies

Enough said right? Who doesn't love a smoothie? I always recommend smoothies on Day #1 to anyone joining The Best You. If you include the appropriate ingredients.....(protein, greens, fruit and fat) they will keep you satisfied for hours.....provide you with dense nutrition....and put your sugar cravings to rest immediately!

And I have been told countless times that I make the BEST smoothies...see how HERE and for a list of some of my favorites see those HERE.

Giving up sugar isn't easy at the beginning but with these FIVE tips to help curb sugar cravings, you can do it!! And it is SO WORTH IT!

Please share my Five Tips to Curb Sugar Craving pins and follow me on Pinterest!

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