Does anyone out there NOT enjoy a baby shower??
There was a time in my life (let's say late 20's) when I thought I'd die if I heard the words "baby shower" again! I. GAVE. SO. MANY. BABY. SHOWERS.!!!!!
But now in my 50's.....I LOVE celebrating a new baby on the way! Especially when it's MY GRANDBABY!!!
So as always....I snapped a few pictures of this beautiful boho cactus baby shower to share with possibly inspire you for any upcoming fun gathering you might have planned!

Welcome into the home of Blake and Elyse (my oldest son and his wife) in celebration of the anticipated arrival of "little miss Kambree Mae"!
Yes....I painted that cactus door hanger above with my favorite...Dixie Belle Paint. As a matter of fact....I drew it onto a piece of scrap plywood in the garage and Matt cut it out with his jigsaw for me in about 5 minutes! I LOVE painting small crafty projects like this!! And what a great door hanger it made to serve as a welcome into their home! It certainly set the tone for the party before the door even opened! All the Dixie Belle Paint colors I used are listed in the Shop Section below.

What a great view above! You can see straight through to the backdoor where another door hanger is featured! That one is a wreath that was made by Kambree's other grandma....and now hangs on the door to the nursery!
And can we talk about this amazing balloon garland???? Party Hat Paper Company is local to San Antonio and they are a wonderful group of ladies to work with. They really know how to take your party up a notch! I've already reserved a spot on their calendar for my daughter's 13th birthday in September! Thank you Josie for coming out to install these balloons that morning!
And the overload of turquoise bags??? Those are from Nursery Couture, our favorite local kids boutique! So any baby shower with that many signature gift bags is sure to be a good one!! all my THE BEST YOU followers....just ignore this next section! LOL! Yes.....I bought the donuts!!! AGGGGHHHHH!!! Do I also need to admit to you that donuts used to be in my top five favorite food items???? But how cute are these? My oldest daughter, Hailey (who also planned this entire thing and knows how to party plan like a #ladyboss) sent me photos of cactus donuts and I died! So I located a local donut expert in town know as The Art of Donut.....and they rocked the order! It was their first cactus order they were just as excited to do them as I was to order them! I ordered WAY too we had 2 dozen left over....but maybe because they were too cute to eat??? I mean just look at Kambree's name in donuts!?!?!? They got rave reviews from those that did eat them....including my son Blake! He said they were dense, full of yeasty flavor......and very satisfying!

Just one more picture of the donuts below....because I want to make your mouth water!

So I showed up in heels that day (which is a VERY rare event)....and I see Elyse in THESE!!! How cute are they??? I think she said her hairdresser/long time friend gave them to her and you can get them here. I think when you are 8 months pregnant you could probably get away with wearing these adorable Llamas anywhere!

AND meet big sister Kinsey Blake!!! She was in total party mode and looked adorable in her llama/cactus themed outfit of her own! She is super excited (for now) about Kambree which is precious. Check back with us about mid June and we will let you know how she feels about Kambree then. LOL! there are two!!! Meet Kinsey AND Harlow! Two of my grand babies! I can't believe we are about to be blessed with another little girl! As many as God wants to send us...I will make room on my lap!
You can see blogs about both of these girls' baby nurseries as well. See Harlow's nursery here and Kinsey's nursery here. The rooms are just as unique and as special as each little girl that calls it their own.

Did you see the blog post about growth charts yet? Here is my latest....and Elyse loved it!!! That little basket ball belly will soon be a baby girl....and that baby will be measured on this very board as she grows!

My daughter Zadie helped me make the little mini-cactus party favors below. We glued on tiny ball trim, filled the pots with actual potting soil...and plopped in a little cactus candle into each one! So affordable....and so stinking cute!

I am so thankful for my recent health successes and the renewed strength and energy I have been blessed with! It has allowed me to be present in all that is going on in our ever growing family! I loved painting this cactus wall mural for Kambree's nursery! You can check that blog out HERE. I look forward to sharing the entire nursery with you after Kambree arrives!

Thank you so much for always showing up here! I loved sharing with you....especially when it involves my family! I hope you enjoyed your visit today!

I've listed all the colors used on the Cactus door hanger below. For the colors used on the Llama growth chart....please see that blog post shop section here. Dixie Belle Paint company offers amazing products that will make all of your projects successful no matter what your skill level! You can also find my favorite products and tools in my Amazon influencer list here.
See you next week!

Please share my boho cactus baby shower pins and follow me on Pinterest!