The year 2021 was an absolute blur to me! As I look back on it now..... I am so very thankful for EVERY second of the chaos! So much growth and opportunity arose from madness! Now I can honestly feel a 2021 Whimsy Celebration in the year!
In order to make the most of what came from 2021..... I decided to organize important events and offerings that revealed themselves...... in a way that you can utilize them for yourself!
I feel this is important..... as there are SO many moving parts and aspects to Tracey's Fancy.... and I often feel like things are lost in the turnover! Speaking of turnover..... 2021 was brutal on my team! We lost a key person.... tried several times to fill her shoes..... and finally landed a GEM of a team lead mid year..... but it almost broke us! We adjusted and shifted and adapted and survived...... and THRIVED! I feel more equipped as a business owner now than I ever have! So let's do this 2022!!! Team Tracey's Fancy is ready for you!
Tracey's Fancy 2021 created and cultivated many offerings for the creative community! Each month brought forth new ideas and we as a community started many new trends..... such as "the year of painted tea pots" and "the holiday season of painted bottles"...... and a "painted overalls" filled fall!
I've listed memorable projects below with clickable links to online tutorials and blogs for easy finds!
Just click on the BOLD & UNDERLINED TEXT to go to that blog.....
2021 Memories
The month of January mixed fun and colorful with shabby chic! Whimsical Floral Cabinets Part 1 All WHITE China Hutch

February was THE BLIZZARD MONTH! A gorgeous RED buffet was created and the first Alice Tea Set was born!!! Whimsical Floral Cabinets continued (part 2&3) All WHITE table and Chairs Red Roses Buffet The Alice Tea Pot wave! Denim Dreamcatcher Jeans

March was a soft recovery month which I believe you can see in the pieces created here: Blue Mediterranean Armoire Giant Green Armoire

April was just plain fun! I welcomed over 100 people into a tea set painting community! Launched Tea Set online course The Zorse! "zebra-horse"

May was balls to the wall busy! But what came out of this month was so worth it!

The month of June I took some time off for a beach trip..... and to design my new office! But somehow I still managed to create some crazy fun things! MORE tea sets and now mailboxes too. The Pretty Painted Beach Mailbox Rusty Steam Punk Tea Set Mickey File Cabinet Sun Dresser My new office!

Oh July!
I will always remember the day I dreamed up the fancy Alice nightstand! Alice Nightstand #1 Funky Pantry Door Wedding signs/baby signs/growth charts Tiny Check End Table

August was what I'd call a status quo month..... those are needed and appreciated! Retro Play Kitchen Alice Nightstand #2 Cement Table MIckey Tea Set

September brought me FALL painted denim! I never knew I'd paint SO MANY overalls but I loved every single pair! Fall Painted Denim (jackets /overalls) Nautical Table Cigar Boxes Paris Sign

I had the chance to travel for work in October.... to Pinner's Conference! That was soooo much fun!!! I really believe it lit a fire under my booty..... because I came home with a deep desire to paint ALL the things..... and I think this month was my most productive ever!!!! Some of my favorite pieces were born this month!
Like this first one: Woodland Forrest Armoire! & is FOR SALE HERE Antique Sewing Box Colorful Vanity Blog & is FOR SALE HERE Painted Fabric Stool Victorian Damask Queen Bed! Hot Pink Chest of Drawers

OH November!
November got fancy and detailed..... which takes a lot of time and energy.... but always creates beautiful pieces! Harlequin Bombay Tuxedo Black and White Arched Armoire Painted Bottles trend began!

AND, finally December! It was short but memorable! My TRANSFER piece was born My granddaughter Kinsey's Colorful Vanity was created: Ya'll asked for a Painted Bottle online course Alice Chest/Nightstand set was featured

AND THEN...... COVID stopped me in my tracks on 12/13...... and 2021 painted came to a screeching halt! I have no doubt.... after seeing my year in review..... that God was saying...... GIRL...... slow your roll! He is well aware that He has to knock me on my butt or I just won't!
2022 Plans
My 2022 goal is to slow down..... and to focus on quality time with you over quantity! I think it will be easier on both of us! I also plan to work in more IN PERSON gatherings because I really want to see your pretty face! And remember....... I also offer TWO private online-memberships that are low key and behind the scenes. They both open to new members a few times a year! One is The Best You which is a focus on your health and wellness..... a daily guide to living your best life through self-care accountability!
The other is Posh & Fancy..... a creative group with a focus on growing in your God given skills and pushing yourself to learn things that don't come naturally to you..... all while surrounded with like minded women. I'd love to have you join me in either or both of these groups!
A huge thank you for being such a vital part in my own creating! Because of your loyal following and constant engagement...... I am inspired to keep dreaming and sharing! For that..... I love you!
XOXO, Tracey